Globe SEM is an International Digital Marketing and SEO Agency with an experienced team helping many brands build their online reputation and improve their online ranking while attracting more traffic to their site without spending a fortune on their SEO project. GlobeSem can help your company increase your online presence by creating an SEO campaign specifically designed for your business, and you can receive the highest quality service by consulting with one of our professional team members. Services include: Design a great site and Blog Maintain an online reputation Drive relevant traffic to the site Improve conversion rate Increase the online presence Build an online reputation Testimonial and Promotional Video Creations Manage Social Media Creating fresh and unique content can help sites gain a lot of natural backlinks and shares. Our company will create fresh content by using relevant keywords with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and blog post idea generators to help your customers get the relevant information they are looking for. What is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is the science of making machines smart to give them the ability to speak, move, hear, see, and talk. These machines will be called AI if they keep pushing themselves to be better in the above skills. Alexa and Siri are two good well-known examples of AI. There are many ways you can utilize artificial intelligence on your website to stay ahead of your competitors. Implementing voice search on your websites for smartphones with the help of Artificial Intelligence will enhance your website performance. Implementing A/B testing and gathering more accurate data will improve your website’s design. The main goal is to keep your site user-friendly and easy to navigate. Online users have been estimated at over 4.54 billion in 2020, which this number has been increasing day by day. Reports show that 83% of people will never revisit your website if they had a bad experience in the first place. If you are thinking about attracting more traffic through search engines or trying to rank for specific keywords, you need to build a user-friendly website. AI is used in forensic SEO to help experts handle data appropriately and perform meta-analysis during the investigation process. Implementing A/B Testing on your website: Did you know that 75% of visitors will evaluate your business by looking at your website and browsing through your webpages? one of the best tactics to improve your site’s UX and UI is implementing the A/B testing on special tools made for this purpose. By looking at reports, we will know better which version of the website is doing better as far as user engagements, so we will have a better idea of modifying the banners, fonts, menu, and content accordingly. A/B testing tool will help you create multiple versions of the site, and the tool will show users the various versions while recording their behavior and measures the difference in performance. Utilizing AI will show each user the specific information they are looking for based on their past behavior. The AI can suggest similar and more relevant content to the user, such as videos, images, and products, which will keep your audience more engaged, and they will spend more time browsing through the site. Website ADA Compliance or Website Accessibility: Web accessibility is another essential topic that needs to be considered when designing or revamping your website. Web accessibility will increase your site’s usability metrics. Accessibility checklists can appropriately be coded and designed for users with disabilities. Artificial Intelligence will help business owners and developers create a fully functional website for people with auditory, cognitive, physical, and visual disabilities. We will make sure your site is fully accessible to deaf or visually impaired users. Build automated chatbots: With the help of Artificial Intelligence, site owners can implement smart chatbots on the website to answer users’ questions instead of having a full-time operator available to help customers. AI will make your chatbot smart enough to answer complicated questions with NLP’s help (Natural Language Processing). Chatbots use the same technology that creates voice recognition fundamentals systems used by virtual assistants such as Google Now and Apple’s Siri. The effect of AI on keyword research: Google’s famous algorithm update called Hummingbird has a significant effect on SEO and the way google works. Hummingbird gave search engines the ability to do semantic analysis. In traditional SEO, the main focus was on finding relevant keywords and building an engaging topic around those keywords or keyphrases. Later, google RankBrain changed the entire game since the rank brain understands more than individual keywords and builds up contextual understanding to deliver better results. The primary intention of it is to understand the topic and provides better search results. It is trying to learn and understand like a human being. Search Engines understand the user’s intention and show them the most relevant results. AI learns from users’ actions. Even if your content ranks higher in SERPs for a while, Google will pay attention to the user’s behavior. Once user landed on your websites, decide to hit back on the browser button because they didn’t find your site attractive enough or if they think that your products, services, or given information are not relevant to what they are looking for, Google will make an update and will stop showing your page. Bounce Rate and click-through rate are two main ranking factors. You can improve your sales strategy by having a better analysis: AI, tools will help you create a better marketing persona. Reports generated and collected by AI tools can help you better understand your targeted audiences and build your marketing personas around their needs. How to use semantic SEO to rank? Once you ready to create content on your website, the first step is to do keyword research through tools like google keyword planner, Moz, or SEMrush. Secondly, you need to add long-tail keywords to your main keywords. The next step is to get some keyword ideas from google by looking at the search result page’s bottom,
How Does Cybersecurity Affect SEO?
SEO is just as relevant in today’s digital environment as any job undertaken by the sales or engineering divisions. Nearly all of today’s businesses have on-site SEO interns, or a virtual SEO squad assembled within their permanent employees. This is because the higher you rate in Google, the more likely people can find your goods, services and ‘content.’ Traffic comes with exploration, and traffic also brings in new buyers and sales. Some businesses have large SEO departments that take charge of all the SEO tasks involved, such as keyword research , marketing management, link building, negative SEO, penalization and recovery review, and much more. But while digital businesses find their investment in SEO a priority, they seem to lose sight of something very important: cybersecurity. In this post, we will discuss how cybersecurity impacts SEO, and why your website, applications, and servers should still have data protection as part of your business strategy. What happens if you get hacked? There are lots of situations where a security breach can impact you. Some are hacking the database that you are using, some are hacking the DNS and HTTP servers, and some include clear root compromise over SSH. Note: attacks can not only be executed against applications, providers and websites, they can also attack domain names. The most popular domain attack is ‘domain hijacking,’ which effectively means gaining ownership of the registrar-level domain name. Downtime is one of the most common consequences after a hacker attack, particularly when it involves a direct server compromise or large DDoS.This affects not just your own access to your website but also the access to your services and data by your customers. Many businesses store their customers personal and confidential data, such as names, addresses , telephone numbers, emails, passwords, bank and credit card numbers, and more. This is one of the top areas that crackers can loot when they hack your databases. The effects of this sort of data breach — both for businesses and customers — can be catastrophic, depending on how much information the perpetrators receive. Apart from the technological implications, the worst thing that can happen after a breach of cybersecurity could be how much harm your reputation is after the incident. This involves losing the trust of your clients, customers, financial institutions that partner with you, and others. On any given day, your online brand can become a negative company, something that’s incredibly hard to reverse. A lot of the competition is waiting for you to make a mistake — so that they can benefit from it. A security compromise can have major consequences. After a major security breach, many corporations don’t even survive, and have to close their businesses. How does cybersecurity effect your SEO ratings? 404 Errors “Error 404-content not found” is one of the error messages most widely used on the internet. It simply means that there was no discovery of the material that used to be there; hence, it is absent. When you enter the URL, you know it, but web crawlers like Google sometimes find this kind of mistake, and that is where the problems start. Although Google is a little permissive with 404 errors, when attached to the site for a long time, they may become a big stumbling block for the SEO. Web files and pages are frequently erased by crackers, leading to scattered or even major 404 errors around the website. Downtime Downtime is one of the business owner’s worst fears, whether it’s a small domain, ecommerce shop, or multi-million dollar corporation. We will never want to have our pages down. Since downtime means that your content, goods and services for your current or existing clients are no longer available, this can be a perfect chance for your rival to deliver everything you want. From the ‘enterprise’ point of view it is obvious that it is not pleasant at all to lose clients or new revenue during downtime, often even catastrophic .. In the worst case cases, downtime will last hours, days or even weeks depending on the type of attack you face. Getting your website up and working smoothly and ready for web-crawlers is still a priority when it comes to SEO. Just discovering a single one of your pages down is a critical issue for Googlebot to come crawling to your site. It can come back later — Google won’t lower the rankings overnight, just on the same day may attempt and re-crawl to see whether the web is back up — but hours or days of downtime may be severe. It decides the amount of drop-down SERP ( Search Engine Results Page) your site is going to receive. Conclusion Businesses rely on excellent SEO tactics for generating traffic and producing income. Filling the site with excellent content is by no means the main focus for Google and other search engines; you’ll definitely want to deliver the best web experience possible. This not only involves responsive design with careful attention to buttons, text, formats and font sizes and types, but also involves the web protection. It’s more than obvious that Google needs stable websites among its top rankings in 2020. Luckily you have ways to keep bad actors from targeting your online investments. Contact GlobeSEM today for a free consultation to get started on increasing your cybersecurity defense and improving your SEO.
5 Important Ways to Increase Google Keyword Ranking
5 Important Ways to Increase Google Keyword Rankings Data journalists, graphic designers, and digital marketers may use tactics to infuse their content to boost search rankings. However, you may need to perform a site audit before you get started. Check out how these six visual storytelling techniques will improve your Google keyword ranking: 1. Make engaging visual stories It doesn’t matter how much Google, Bing, and other search engines update their algorithms, the name of the game is still quality content that naturally attracts visitors. Websites that offer users what they are searching for will always be more popular, and more popular websites will rank higher in search almost always. Since the human brain is hardwired to consume images-almost half of our gray matter is devoted to visual processing. Vibrant imagery is an efficient and powerful way of communication. So it is no wonder visual storytelling has emerged as a popular way of transmitting a message. For instance: Creating a good visual narrative, of course, is not as easy as pasting some pictures into a certain copy. There’s real art in making a successful graphic message. Fortunately, a range of online tools may help storytellers convert their ideas into entertaining presentations, infographics, and other captivating web material for amateurs as well as professionals who want to improve their projects or find new inspiration. 2. Pick Visuals Promoting Sharing Social networking has revolutionized digital marketing and the manner in which companies interact with their clients. Sharing visual stories is one of the most successful tools businesses use today to reach their customers. The search algorithm used by Google is now so sophisticated, that many experts suggest that human media affects page rank. After all, what better way to calculate the relevance of a website to its audience than by taking a vote? Google’s team disputes that social signals form part of its ranking process, but anecdotal evidence indicates that not only do exchange posts increase page views, but social media followers of a brand may also have a major impact on rankings. But even though social signals are not a direct factor in the ranking, there is still a connection between social engagement and search performance. Woking on the social media following of your brand can be a slow process, even though the content is widely shared. Yet attracting users organically and strategically is vitally essential to performance. Google can also detect followers’ quality so efforts to buy large numbers of proxy followers will fail. Instead, consistently share content, including informative posts, helpful tips, and open inquiries that ignite debate. Although social media affects search ranking, social networks provide their own search functionality as well. One of the easiest ways to optimize internal search social content is by using hashtags. More than just a passing trend, hashtags allow for search tagging of terms or phrases within an overall article. Social engagement doesn’t need to come from the social media. Adding social media buttons to content on the website allows users to share it on their own pages directly. Besides that, social networking buttons typically indicate how many people have shared the content already, and high numbers only fuel the enthusiasm of the audience to spread the message, similar to the classic bandwagon effect. 3. Make a visual presentation Why has video become so popular? It is powerful and successful at delivering a message as well as motivating audiences to act. But what effect does it have on search rankings? The answer would have been easy a few years ago: It did not. But online video’s growth has pushed Google’s people to account for that in their search algorithm. The King of Search now admits that video is proof of quality content, and that its popularity can only continue to increase its ranking factor. Google-owned YouTube is also the second-biggest search engine in the world. The posting of content to the site increases the overall search rankings automatically. YouTube rates videos by a wide range of factors. Original videos can be optimized for search by implementing keyword labels that provide search engines with valuable details to identify the primary subject and target audience of the videos. By including videos in metadata such as titles, file names, descriptions, and tags, keywords can be classified in many of the same ways as images. 4. Repost content Each new post, whether it’s a blog post or a tweet, is an additional hub for frequent search engines. The more a search engine visits a website, the greater the likelihood of a higher ranking. As original content is repurposed, the same knowledge is customized across different media and for distribution to different markets. One popular approach to repurposing old content is to present it in a video format. 5. Use technical strategies As every digital marketer will testify, if Google’s web crawlers don’t know what it’s about, you will produce a superior visual display, post it all over the Web, and repurpose it for any market, but it will be for nothing. Optimizing the underlying code of a website tells the bots exactly what viewers can expect from your video. As stated earlier, metadata factors within the HTML code help web bots to decode content from an image or video. Although tagging visual content is crucial for search optimization, tagging it with the correct keywords is just as essential. After all, any search on Google starts with some kind of keyword search. YouTube ranking needs similar optimization, but different best practices. The most effective keywords would not only differ, but the optimal tags and search signals vary from the basic SEO. At GlobeSEM, our team of professionals can help you implement these strategies to improve your business and attract more customers. We pride ourselves on doing whatever it takes to get the job done, keep clients happy, and keep business booming. Contact us for more information or a free consultation.
8 Comprehensive Tips For Keyword Research
8 Comprehensive Tips For Keyword Research Keyword research is the first and most important part of your SEO strategy. Before you start writing content for your website, you will need to identify suitable high-volume search terms. Usually it’s a fairly time-consuming job and requires a lot of work to sort through data, numbers and comparing long keyword lists. But doing it right is extremely important. A detailed research on keywords will form the basis for your SEO strategy and content creation. The keywords of the SEO will inform the direction of your content , making sure the content generated on Google is important and easily searchable. And that is, in brief, what is all about keyword analysis. For SEO copywriting purposes, keyword research is defined as the activity of analyzing and finding a list of useful keywords. Keywords, or search terms, are also a reference to your content and marketing strategy. It’s not enough to find high-volume search words by themselves. You need to make sure that the SEO keywords used in your content match the keywords your customer uses for your brand , product or service. And that’s where research on keywords arises. If you have done sufficient and detailed analysis, it is only then that you will be able to build a viable SEO strategy. You can then build a comprehensive plan of action and an effective strategy to attain your goals. Keywords you’re going to use should be what the target audience is looking for. Only then will it be worth the effort to optimize your website. But most significantly, there are also two identical keywords that have different search volumes, patterns and levels of competition. Choosing a more important, higher-volume keyword could give you better results compared to your other keywords. Here are 8 useful tips for finding the best keywords: 1. Discover Your Niche Before you find out what the best keywords are for optimizing your website, it’s best to start with a deep dive to learn more about your subject or niche. It will provide you with out-of-the-box ideas and help you explore alternatives to your marketing and SEO strategy you might not have been thinking of before. Here are just a few suggestions for exploring your niche: -Converse and get to know your loyal customers better. Find out which words they use when describing your brand, company, product or service. -Try to think about your future customers from their perspective. If you were to share the brand offer to a friend, how are you going to talk about it? -Engage in online communities such as forums and social media networks, in your subject or niche. Read the discussions and find out any pain points regarding your niche that are mentioned. 2. Set your goals A strategy always has to start with identifying the end goal. Defining your target is critical as it will provide guidance for your strategy and plan for the SEO. The search terms you’ll eventually use should be consistent with your goals, preferably segmented into different marketing funnels for content. The purpose of your SEO copywriting and content will also be told through your goals. -Write down your goals. -Draw tickets. -Record it for them. This will include the required framework and direction for your online marketing strategy and content at the top level. 3. Create a list of relevant subjects Depending on the brand ‘s key category and the targets you aim to accomplish, split it down to the smaller buckets of topics. Create a list of all the topics you want to place on Google that apply to your brand. They have to be subjects that are important to your company and that appeal to your customer. Think what kind of topics are your target audience going to look for on Google. Then these subject buckets can be broken down later to keywords specific to certain topics. 4. Make a list of seed keywords Now that you have broken down your main category into various sub-topic pools, you can start building a list of seed keywords. These keywords must be linked to the different subjects, and more importantly, they are terms that the target audience may be looking for on Google. Seed keywords, or focus keywords, are important as they become the base of your keyword research. They identify your niche and have your competitors listed. If you’re wondering how to find your brand or product’s seed or focus keywords, it’s far simpler actually than you thought. All you need to do is explain your deal as straightforward as possible and imagine how other people could look for it on Google. 5. Use good tools for researching keywords You might think, shouldn’t keyword analysis start using a keyword tool? There is no answer right or wrong, to be frank. But first and foremost exploring search terms from your company or market viewpoint provides a clear benefit. It helps you avoid getting too obsessed with keywords and lets you gain a broader perspective on your content and SEO strategy. It’s time to use keyword analysis software to further refine your search terms once you’ve established your goals, topics and a list of seed keywords. Google’s Keyword Planner is one choice. . It will give you much more information and allow you to narrow your search terms down in the right direction. Also, it may offer additional ideas on relevant keywords. All you need to do is enter the subject (or seed keyword) in the search box and provide you with a list of alternative keywords, including those containing prepositions and questions. 6. Research the search intent Plugging in keywords of high volume to pump up rankings for a website used to work quite easily. But these days it is no longer as simple as that. Google’s machine learning search algorithms now equate search words with user queries to learn about the search intent. Try putting yourself in the shoes of your target crowd. Why would they go looking
The Top 5 Exclusive Backlink Strategies To Boost Your SEO Rank
The Top 3 Backlink Strategies To Boost Your SEO Rank Link-building and SEO go hand in hand. You should also have a rich and comprehensive backlink profile on your SEO to-do list. Backlinks are essential for the way websites are listed by search engines. A strong backlink profile and great content are the gold standard for organic search. What are backlinks? A backlink is an internet link which leads back to your website. Search engines see a backlink as a vote of credibility — the more votes your website or page has, the more likely search engines will choose to prioritize your content on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Backlink techniques have a long tradition of being an integral aspect of internet marketing. They help boost the traffic, rating, credibility, and even relationships on your website. PageRank (yes, PageRank still matters) is a Google-created metric that measures link points, or “link juice.” Link juice flows across sites and through hyperlinks into new sites-the more reputable the site is, the greater the boost of link juice. There are 2 types of backlinks: Follow links are crawlable search bots that allow search engines to go through to your site , providing link juice and a backlink. Nofollow do not push linking juice from one site to another. These will not increase your SEO value though they have useful referral traffic. Apart from follow and nofollow tags, links may vary in value depending on the authority of the site from which they derive. The best way of creating backlinks? People who create content find it worthwhile and want to share it through links. Promoting your content proactively by relationship-building strategies often gives you a leg up in link building. If you have good reasons why publishers are expected to connect to your material, be sure to tell the right people. High-quality, authoritative links are essential to higher ranking in SERPs and seeing real progress in SEO. Before you invest time getting backlinks, make sure that your site is safe and optimized. So, let’s get down to what we’ve all been waiting for… Here are 5 backlinks strategies that actually work! 1. Guest blogs Usually this first approach should take the most time out of your schedule but it can also have the greatest payoff — guest blogging on larger sites with links back to yours. Creating guest blogging links and having your exclusive content posted on other websites will not only help expand the scope of your brand and drive traffic back to your website, but will also help establish site authority. By establishing a partnership with bigger influencers, you are opening the door to even more marketing opportunities, including new posts and guest blogs, potentially co-branded projects, speaking engagements and more backlinks. Just like you’d pick one call-to – action for blog posts on your site, do the same for this content. If referral traffic does come through, you want the connection back to your site to be meaningful. I recommend that you link back to a blog post that digs further into the subject you started. The advantage for this backlink strategy is eventually having a long-term relationship with a more developed and authoritative brand and website. 2. Provide your content as a resource Everywhere bloggers and copywriters search for tools and connections to help them create content for their readers. Consider offering your posts as a resource for them in the future by using some of the sites from the list you create for guest blogging. GlobeSEM receives emails all the time asking our blog to include links to its services or redirect deadlines to them on our website — and if they are relevant and of high quality, we are happy to do so! 3. Get listed on directories Though thought of as an older method for backlinks, turning up in directories is still important. These are typically high-ranking and heavily trafficked, so take advantage of them, but remember, instead of blanketing hundreds of sites only for the backlinks, choose those better suited for your industry. 4. Measure blog outreach Perhaps the most effective way to create your precious backlinks and drive quality traffic is by blogger outreach. Having the right links to your website is a good strategy for getting a rise in rankings and long term performance. You need to make sure that the backlinks are indexed and accurate, and evaluate which of them most influence your rankings. Not all backlinks are helpful and healthy; some can come from Google-penalized websites, have stolen content, or otherwise are questionable. For this reason you should keep an eye out for link-farms or other suspicious websites that link to you. In addition , Google invites us to submit these backlinks in Search Console to their Google Disavow Tool so that they can remove them from the ranking of your website. Typically these are standard link farm sites that don’t grow anything useful to us unlike a real farm. They are doing far more damage than good. 5. Provide your content as a resource Everywhere bloggers and copywriters search for tools and connections to help them create content for their readers. Consider offering your posts as a resource for them in the future by using some of the sites from the list you create for guest blogging. GlobeSEM is the leading SEO agency in Los Angeles and our expert team can help your business implement backlinks into your marketing strategy. Contact us for more information.
3 Valuable Insights Into Influencer Marketing for Your SEO
3 Valuable Insights Into Influencer Marketing for Your SEO What is influencer marketing? If you run a website or write a blog then you’re obviously aware that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important to help you attract visitors to your site. But did you know influencer marketing is fantastic for SEO? Well-targeted and designed influencer marketing can build up high levels of interest, and it can skyrocket your SEO. Influencer marketing requires several steps to build user-generated branded content that supports your digital marketing goals. When a celebrity, industry expert, or social media icon posts about a brand, it immediately brings exposure to the company. If the company can get an influential person to notice and appreciate their brand, it demonstrates that the brand is a trustworthy industry leader. If you want to add rocket fuel to the overall impact of any campaign, influencer marketing is a must. The right influencers will increase the discoverability of brands and the growth of audiences, improving exposure, results and ROI. Influencer marketing is a powerful weapon to add to your SEO toolbox. Here are three incentives to extend your current SEO by utilizing influencer marketing strategies. 1. Social Traction Social networking has always been a good way to boost interaction with your audience, and to increase your off-the-page SEO capacity. Influencers amass fans holding on to every review or endorsement of their products. You can leverage their network to increase the exposure of your brand through social media , blogs, and vlogs. If you have quality content, then you have a foothold for gaining popularity in social media and winning more connections. Social networking is a great medium for broadcasting and your posts, along with influencer posts, would enable more external sites to connect to your content. The more external links you have, the greater the authority you can achieve in the search engines’ eyes. The goal should be to get a steady flow of shares and visitors via various platforms with a proper social media strategy in place. They will boost your SEO rankings and give you more traffic and visibility. For example, tweets now appear in real-time in Google’s search results. Getting influencers to help fuel your content sharing can give you big results. 2. Content and SEO The apparent advantage of increased exposure as competing with self-generated content is the use of influencers as content owners. That can be particularly helpful if you try to reach a new audience. It’s very necessary to have a clear understanding of who follows your influencers through their social media channels for this to work well. The traffic to your site that your influencers drive can raise your SEO rankings in ways that paying ads obviously can not. But don’t forget about content engagement. People are searching for fascinating and entertaining material that’s relevant to their lives. If you don’t create first-rate, high-quality content, then you’ll never interact with influencers who can help you market your brand. Focus on providing value to generate quality content. Think of what potential buyers may like to see or hear, and first build that before worrying about how to market the product. In general, you need to create genuine material that audiences are unable to find elsewhere. Make sure your content is easy to absorb, highly entertaining and creatively fascinating when you develop your content strategy. Add visuals such as high-resistance images, original designs, infographics, animations, or GIFs that help break up big blocks of text and support the story you tell. For advertisers and companies, producing fresh content may be difficult, underlining the need for influencer marketing. The influencer’s primary duty is to create new and convincing material that your target audience will enjoy. Generating millions of facebook views by influencer marketing would definitely boost the social awareness and brand engagement. 3. Backlinks & Traffic Backlinks & SEO go hand in hand. Links to your site from authoritative web publishers give you lots more success on Google. Relevant content and a strong SEO backlink are the most consistent factors influencing high search rank. Traffic is a strong signal to Google that there’s relevant content on your website which users find valuable. Although it’s only one of the indicators that Google uses to assess the search rank, it’s fair to assume that traffic is a huge boost to the SEO service — if it comes from a web publisher, social media, an email newsletter or other content outlets. By choosing the perfect influencer and the best way to add backlinks into your influencer ‘s website, you’ll reap both the advantages of SEO, because your website will rank higher in search results, as well as the advantages of influencer marketing, so more people can learn about you from an influential source, lift your reputation dramatically and expand your reach. SEO and Influencer Marketing are strategies which are both both lucrative and successful, so why not merge them for even greater benefit? It is not easy to connect with influencers and it may take some time to curate relationships with influencers. Concentrate on creating long-term partnerships that reflect a win-win scenario for the company as well as the influencers. You want to make them confident that the arrangement will benefit them. Cultivating positive influencer partnerships is an effective way of maximizing your SEO efforts. A consistent relationship with the influencers guarantees outstanding content, with potential for collaboration along the way. Overall, SEO is a tough task and it has no permanent solution. That said, influencer marketing is a strategy that really should be implemented by your company with the goal of boosting SEO and putting your company on the map. At GlobeSEM, the leading Los Angeles SEO agency, our team of expert market strategists can help you find influencers, reach audiences, and develop the most marketing strategies. You can contact us to get a proposal and a free quote for these services at tags: brand awareness, best seo los angeles, los angeles seo expert, seo agency los angeles,
4 Easy Ways to Increase Brand Awareness
4 Easy Ways to Increase Brand Awareness The growth of social media and the new world means conventional advertising strategies, referrals, and leads are only going so far — it’s reaching customers with only an insight into the brand ‘s awareness that can contribute to higher long-term profitability. These dedicated consumers transform into word-of – mouth supporters who are planting the seed in their networks, expanding the net more and more widely. With these 4 valuable pieces of advice, you can raise your brand awareness quickly and effectively: 1. Work on your SEO Content Strategy You may have the right stuff on your website, but if you’re not updating to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), nobody can see it. SEO is the practice of refining terms and keywords so that you can score higher on search engines, which contributes to an improvement in visits to organic websites. The first step in optimizing SEO is to examine possible keywords specific to your brand , product, or market, ensuring that patterns and user intent are taken into account. The two forms of intent may be related to those interested in brand-specific products (not planning to buy yet), or those looking for the same product (searching for offers and planning to buy). After you create a keyword list, take steps to optimize new and existing sites by using these keywords, adding backlinks and creating partnerships with other businesses so that through their sites you can connect back to your site. Brand awareness is not just about whether the audience knows the brand name, but how well they understand the qualities that make your brand special. To establish this distinction, your content needs to highlight the qualities which distinguish your brand from your competitors. Share your company specifics that make it clear what separates you from those in your market, and show future clients why they should prefer you over your rivals. 2. Implement Community Marketing Strategies Community marketing is a strategy of growth in which consumers come together around a shared subject, interest or industry. It’s a strategy that creates a meeting of people who want to network, care about each other and work towards a common goal. Customers love to buy from brands that share their values and giving back. If you’re an active member of the community, this can be highly useful for your content marketing approach. Start by knowing who your customers are and what care about that is connected to your brand, as you start the process of creating a community around your name. Then come up with frequently cadenced ongoing ways to put them together and link them meaningfully. If these members are current customers, potential customers or industry experts, every aspect of the customer experience should be touched on by your community and each person should find unparalleled value in joining the group. Group marketing is one of the strongest brand awareness strategies for direct-to consumer brands to get ahead of all consumers’ rivalry and promote connection. 3. Create an influencer marketing campaign Organic social media traffic is not large enough these days to boost the brand awareness, so one way to attract new consumers is through influencer marketing. Because of their perceived trustworthiness (like a recommendation from a friend) and consistent follow-up, influencers are able to sell your product to their audience and attract thousands more organically than targeted advertising. These micro-celebrities on social media can help you meet tens or even hundreds of thousands of followers who fall under your ideal customer profile, many of whom are first introduced to your brand or product. Moreover, when making buying decisions, these buyers are likely to be influenced by creators and have a higher chance of actually taking steps to buy. Start by investigating influencers who embody your company’s look, sound, and values and whose followers fall under your customer profile. Then reach out to them to form a relationship, be it in the form of a brand takeover, a product giveaway or a sponsored message. 4. Implement tools to lighten the workload While there is a large and broad market for brand awareness tools, there are some that stand out for each purpose, including social media management, PR, campaign analysis and targeted advertising. Because of its broad user base social media is an increasingly significant element of brand awareness. You can optimize strategies by tracking what people are thinking about your brand, answering questions that prospective customers may have, and driving shoppers to make purchases by using social media tools like Sprout Social and Hootsuite. Public relations is a low-cost, and even free, way to market your brand. There are unique tools like HARO, Cision and Meltwater that help you calculate how much attention your brand is getting, and how well your PR campaigns work. There’s Google Analytics, HotJar and Moz to analyze deeper analytics about the success of your brand awareness campaigns. Tools such as these allow you to troubleshoot and help you evaluate important factors such as SEO, conversion rates and traffic on websites. Other growth marketing tools such as AdRoll use lookalike AI technology to drive site traffic and attract consumers with convincing ad campaigns, so you can reach similar customers to those you already have. If you’ve not put any more thought into brand recognition, it’s time now. The growth of social media, platforms and technology makes it much more available to new consumers than ever. Follow these tips and you will be watching the latest clients and brand supporters roll in. At GlobeSEM, the leading Los Angeles SEO agency, we know that your business is your passion and you need someone you can trust to keep your brand awareness in check and your company’s reputation running smoothly. You can contact us to get a proposal and a free quote for these services at tags: brand awareness, best seo los angeles, los angeles seo expert, seo agency los angeles, content marketing, brand identity, influencer marketing, community marketing
5 Smart Ways to Use Twitter to Influence Google Search Results
5 Smart Ways to Use Twitter to Influence Google Search Results Twitter is totally huge, making it a perfect promotional platform for goods and services or for sharing your content. Twitter is often referred to as a great marketing tool for your company but can it also affect your search results? In fact, search engines use social media signals to rank your website. SEO is influenced in big ways by likes, views, and tweets.These few easy tricks will increase your account’s chance to turn up in Google & Twitter Search: 1. Be active on your account. Keep active. Every tweet you make is Google’s chance to index you, so you need to share a lot of content on a regular basis. But that doesn’t mean you have to tweet like crazy. Although there is no standardized rule for how many tweets you must send out, most social media experts suggest a minimum of 3-5 units a day. Have at least hundreds of followers. Since interaction is one of the vital elements helping to improve Google’s ranking, getting a large number of followers – thus more interactions – could help you achieve this target. Complete every profile feature because Google needs maximum details to ensure your profile is a valid source of information. So pay attention to the name, website link, and location field of your account. 2. Use relevant hashtags A great hashtag helps your tweets to unite on Twitter and be quickly searchable. In addition, anybody can use it to search Google for tweets, too. Here are the dos and don’ts listed in this official Twitter Guide for creating hashtags: -Let it be easy to remember and to spell -Provide incentives to use a hashtag (for example run a contest) -Do your research to find out what hashtags people use for your brand -Partner with influencers to raise the hashtag ‘s exposure (more on this in section below) -Don’t expect people to start using your hashtag with no incentives 3. Partner with social media influencers Social media influencers are a major trend in today’s marketing so consider working with one if your budget allows. If your posts are retweeted by a well-known influencer, you can get more followers, gain more exposure online and increase the conversion rate. Here are some statistics for you to prove Twitter’s potential for influencer marketing (source: Twitter blog): One third of Twitter users track and connect with celebrities and influencers More than 50 per cent of Twitter users follow actors and musicians accounts Nearly 40 per cent of Twitter users report that a tweet from an influencer influenced their decision to purchase a product. So make a list of people you think are popular in your market, and who might consider collaborating with you, and contact them with a proposal. 4. Follow Popular Accounts in your area of business For two important reasons you need to employ this technique. The first is that you need to access interesting account information that you can then retweet later. You must do that because you don’t want to post your own content all the time, particularly if you’re not your industry or niche voice yet. There are also more accounts that you need to follow from people including musicians, athletes, writers, researchers and celebrities to remain updated with the latest news and events. The second reason you need to follow others is to allow them to also share your own posts and follow you back. Given that feedback and brand visibility are important to Google, posting information on your company page will be a huge plus. And note, you need to create entertaining and meaningful content to optimize other people’s chance to share it. Implement your Twitter account whenever possible You should use the link in your email signature, your blog posts, guest posts and other places to get more attention and visibility to your Twitter account. For instance, you can use your Twitter profile in the author bio section when you write guest posts on other websites to let people know that you are available for business. Use Google to designate your favorite social media, such as Twitter or Facebook, and add a markup link to your website. Get more comprehensive information from the Google Developers website. 5. Automate the sharing of your posts Today Twitter has more than 330 million active users per month. You have an opportunity to hit the vast audience with your Twitter brand or company account. Not just that, you should also let Google know by regularly tweeting links to your website to boost social signals that you have an active website and blog. Of course, it can be difficult to find the time to tweet about your website all day long while you’re juggling a website and a blog. Fortunately there are resources that you can use to automate your posting on Twitter. With WordPress plugins and tools you can link your blog to your Twitter account to automatically send a tweet anytime you publish a new blog article. Some of such plug-ins and software include WordPress JetPack, Twitter Auto Publish, and IFTTT. You can do it manually, of course, but it makes a lot of sense to use automation tools which schedule and publish social media posts exactly when you need them. Using Twitter to boost your Google search results rankings is definitely worth doing, since it can be a valuable platform for creating and retaining your online presence. Know there are 335 million users on the web, so it gives you an outstanding chance to meet this demographic and improve your Google score, thus introducing the company to even more people. Be mindful that social media patterns and Google SEO criteria shift constantly, so you need to use only the best of the newest techniques like those listed here to remain accessible. At GlobeSEM we can work with you to leverage social media marketing strategies to transform your business and make the news of your company
6 Easy and Effective E-commerce SEO Strategies to Increase Sales
6 Easy and Effective E-commerce SEO Strategies to Increase Sales Using these simple e-commerce marketing techniques, your online store can create brand recognition, boost sales, and expand in one of the most dynamic markets. Better e-commerce SEO makes sure that your products are found online, helping customers make the right shopping choices, and provide something worth sharing with their friends and followers. Below we have listed four basic but highly successful techniques for search engine optimization for e-commerce business owners. If you want more search traffic to be created, sell more goods and gain more money, add one, two or all four tactics to your SEO efforts. E-commerce marketing is the method of promoting the online shop through inbound ads, organic SEO and other marketing strategies to improve traffic on the website, brand awareness and sales. This involves increasing social media visibility, search engines, multimedia advertising, and email, as well as increasing website activities with conversion rate optimization. With these 4 tips you can take your business to the next level! 1. Improve User Experience (UX) On Your Website Like every search engine, Google’s aim is to find the best results for the query of each user. If on that front they lag, users will be less likely to use the search engine again. That said, Google is doing this very well, that’s why they’re the world’s largest search engine-by far! When optimizing your site for SEO, you will need to think about the persistent drive to produce the best results. Why? Why? The response is simple: sites that are of low quality are less likely to rank. And Google’s improving in evaluating the consistency of the site. If your website looks untrustworthy, outdated, slow or amateurish, potential users will bounce back into the SERPs and click on another result. You now missed a customer and a potential conversion, which will also boost the bounce rate of affected pages. While Google has not publicly announced this, there is evidence to show that the search engine giant does award pages that have low bounce rates with higher rankings.The logic of Google is that if a person spends more time on a web site, it’s usually that they find it helpful. And because Google only aims to offer the best available results to its customers, the home pages of the search engine website would drive sites with high interaction up. 2. Write Longer Content A Backlinko SEO study concluded that longer content appears to generate more backlinks, which can also translate into improved rankings and increased traffic. There’s no workaround, alas, to decide how long the content can be other than plain old-fashioned common sense. Question yourself what details someone will be searching for if they use a keyword you are targeting, and start from there. Don’t forget that multiple types of search queries can be targeted in one post. Long-form posts are perfect because they dominate SEO and draw thousands of connections (search engine optimization). They take some time, preparation, and commitment, but they certainly do the job. Plan the post to be both functional, and aesthetically appealing. When designing your content, remember to provide and incorporate features like sign-up forms, content flow and social media buttons into your design. 3. Use Youtube SEO To Your Advantage A common feature in SERPs is videos, mainly from YouTube. The most popular video site on the Internet, with 2 billion monthly active users watching 1 billion hours of video every day. Youtube is the second most popular social media platform, the second largest search engine, and the second most popular website in general. Many SEOers neglect YouTube when it comes to search engines. Granted, video marketing isn’t for everyone, or even for every industry, but with most of us now having strong video cameras on hand, there’s never been a better time to play around with video marketing. Just like the spiders on Google, YouTube’s algorithm works by collecting and using your video data. The filename, the title, the summary of your uploaded content — all of these elements influence rankings in the search results for YouTube. It’s a juggling act to build a compelling video title — you have to make the title SEO friendly and clickable to increase your click-through rate. In your video titles you can generally follow the same rule as you would in your blog posts, including keywords as well as power words, to get clicks and shares. 4. Monitor SEO Performance Reporting and analytics are two vital elements of SEO — both necessary to enhance your overall marketing strategies. Understanding those intricacies (and using them to your benefit to make more improvements) without frequent monitoring and reporting of your performance is difficult. As we know, SEO is developing rapidly. Business owners and advertisers need to adjust rapidly, but your website can still give you an edge on your competition. There’s a lot to consider, but remember that you don’t have to be the best SEO expert in the world overnight. Make an effort to learn even the fundamentals of SEO and you can see a major difference in the click-through rates, interaction and rankings of your website. Efficient reporting means identifying key topics, such as: Which content appealed to your customer? Which section of the website might have the most UX problems? What page has been visited the least (or the most), and why? What changes to the SEO on page led to the highest rankings? What keyword style should you concentrate on in the future? These are all important questions to ask when monitoring your SEO performance. At GlobeSEM, our team of professionals can help you implement these strategies to improve your business and bring in tons more customers. We pride ourselves on doing whatever it takes to get the job done and keep clients happy and business booming. For more information or a free consultation, contact us. tags: los angeles seo, best seo los angeles, seo expert los angeles, seo la, seo company la,
5 Reasons To Pick GlobeSEM, The Best Los Angeles SEO Consultancy
5 Reasons To Pick GlobeSEM, The Best SEO Consultancy in Los Angeles At GlobeSEM, our mission is to take your business to the next level. We pride ourselves on providing expert service at the best prices in Los Angeles and doing whatever it takes to get the best results. Our team of experts have many years of experience and will work with you to put your business on the map, increasing your online presence and sales. E-commerce marketing is the method of promoting the online shop through inbound ads, organic SEO and other marketing strategies to improve traffic on the website, brand awareness and sales. This involves increasing social media visibility, search engines, multimedia advertising, and email, as well as increasing website activities with conversion rate optimization. We use the latest cutting-edge technology and tools to create content, including logos, animations, websites. Your wish is our command! In Los Angeles, e-commerce is a booming market, and it can be hard to find an SEO company that will meet the needs of your business- but look no further! GlobeSEM will get you customers by optimizing search engine results, using the most effective targeted keywords, using social media marketing strategies and improving the technical aspects of your website to increase your brand visibility and beat your competitors. We coordinate with business owners and marketing managers to apply the best SEO and digital advertising strategies to produce excellent results. If you want to kickstart the growth potential of your shop, the first step in your journey is to contact GlobeSEM, the leading e-commerce SEO organization in the Los Angeles area. Here are a few reasons we are the best! 1. Website Functionality & Design GlobeSEM carries out extensive market research to learn what consumers are searching for. Then we customize the site according to what the needs of the customers are. We also maintain responsive web design by prioritizing the accessibility of your site, as well as its beauty, regardless of whether your customers shop on their phone, tablet or device. Often companies struggle to grasp the force behind successful website design for e-commerce. As the web has evolved, consumers have increasingly become savvier, deciding who to do business with depending on digital presence. Companies can no longer get by with a basic but badly configured website. Creating a website that converts is about more than just convenience and functionality — you want a website that uses design and subtlety to gently direct customers to make a decision. Our experience goes beyond data & digital marketing. We are website management and web infrastructure professionals who collaborate for innovative ideas and repair issues. 2. Paid Advertisement Services A Paid Advertisement strategy aims to maximize a company’s presence on the web through mentions to a particular audience through keywords or direct ads. Therefore, it is of great importance that the segment of the market is well defined to prevent the message from reaching the wrong audience. Our paid advertisement strategies are built with specific expectations and focused on producing results that have a positive effect on your brand and consumers. Our strong passion for digital ads has motivated us to research and understand deeply the different digital platforms and how to better harness the power from each channel to fulfill the marketing goals of our clients. 3. Blog Content Blog content is a perfect way to create internal links through your site and helps you to continuously pass on insightful, reliable information to your customers. Our team also provides clear calls for action (CTA) in your blog posts to guide visitors to various parts on your website, further boosting your click-through rate and your CRO. We creatively combine extremely important and regional keywords around the web to communicate their core messages to search engines. The more relevant the keywords, the more likely they are to lead customers to your site. Our use of keywords not only gives search engines trust in your website, it also makes them start ranking higher. 4. Site Audit Services A complete SEO website audit is a systematic process which involves the use of different SEO audit methods, checklists, and guidelines to evaluate a website and its optimization campaign. An SEO website audit can also be used to build lists of weak points and action items which can help resolve the website’s found weaknesses. Additionally, an on-page audit is also used to collect relevant information and data that an organization needs in order to make changes to its SEO program to achieve better results. A detailed SEO audit is the easiest and most reliable way to assess why the website doesn’t rate as high as it should be. At GlobeSEM, our website SEO Audit Service provides clients with an in-depth look at SEO-related problems and recommended changes to achieve greater success online. 5. Competitor Analysis A Competitor Analysis Report lets you learn quickly which factors drive top rankings for any keyword. You certainly want your website to rank at the top of the search results, but you can’t unless you defeat your current rivals. This is why competitor research is important for your SEO campaigns to be successful. We can create a personalized plan for Search Engine Optimization that will ensure your top spot in search results so that customers are led to your website first, instead of to your competitors’ sites. We’ll figure out the exact tactic your rivals use to rank first in the SERPs so you can formulate a 10x better strategy than your competition. Contact us for more information about our premium services. tags: los angeles seo, local seo los angeles, seo consultant los angeles, seo expert los angeles, seo company los angeles, seo la